Resources for ELC Teachers and Students - English Language Center (ELC) Skip to main content
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Resources for ELC Teachers and Students


The ELC sponsors several different activities during each semester. The purposes of these activities are to give students opportunities to make friends, learn about culture and speak English in different contexts. We hope that you will participate in these activities. We also hope that you will participate in a variety of activities on the BYU campus and in the community.


As a student, you will need a U.S. bank account. This will allow you to use a check card (debit card) at stores, exchange foreign money for U.S. money, and transfer money to and from other countries. It will also give you a safe place to keep money. Student accounts at most banks are free. To open an account, you only need a passport and money. Some banks also require a Social Security Number (Wells Fargo does not). To open an account, simply go to the bank and talk to a banker. Take your passport and money. It will only take about thirty minutes. If you have further questions about why you need an account or what you can use your account for, talk to Sandy Hatchett (103 UPC) who can give you more information.

Culture Shock

If you have feelings of anxiety and depression or are having difficulty adjusting to your new environment (foods, customs, people, language), you may be suffering from culture shock. This is very normal and will pass in time. Be patient with your teachers, your classmates, your roommates and yourself. Don’t hide in your apartment. Attend all of your classes. Talk with your teachers about your feelings. Make some new friends. Remember that others are having culture shock, too.

Facilities Use Pass

ELC students need to purchase a Facilities Use Pass to use any of the physical education facilities or equipment on campus, which include the weight room; the basketball, tennis, or racquetball courts; the swimming pool; and so on. The pass costs $50 per semester and can be purchased at the Information Window located in Room 112 of the Richards Building (RB).


The ELC provides lockers for its students free of charge. You may request a locker assignment in room 103. It is a good idea to put your coat, books and bags in your locker to keep them safe rather than leaving them unattended in a classroom or hallway. Please do not leave food in your locker overnight.

Lost and Found

If you find something that does not belong to you, take it to room 103 and it will be kept in the lost and found. If it is valuable, such as a cell phone, USB drive, or wallet, give it to the student office workers. If you have lost something, ask the office workers. If it’s not there, ask the Building Supervisor in room...


The BYU newspaper is delivered free to ELC students once per month. You can pick up a copy in the first-floor entrance. Go to BYU news to read the electronic edition of the BYU newspaper.

Provo Library

The Provo Library is located at 550 North and University Avenue. It is a convenient place to find many books and other resources to improve your English. Library hours are 9am to 9pm, Monday through Friday, and 9am to 6pm on Saturday. To contact the library, call 801-852-6650 or go online at: 


The computer lab and front office have resources to help you study and learn English, such as computers and printers in the lab and library books in the front office.The computer lab and 177 UPC are designed to be quiet areas where you can do your homework and study. The following rules apply to both the computer lab and 177 UPC:

  • Students are not allowed to bring food or drinks in the computer lab or 177 UPC except for water in water bottles that close.
  • Students must speak quietly so they do not disturb others in the study areas.
  • Students must show respect for the ELC employees managing the study areas.
  • Students should speak English so that they show respect for other students and practice the language they are here to learn.
  • Students must be respectful of the equipment and materials and treat them as if they were their own. Any damage done will result in a fee.

If students are not following the rules, they will receive a warning, and if it happens again, they will need to leave the study area and may lose their privileges to use the computer lab and 177 UPC.

Additional Computer Lab Rules:

  • Students are not allowed to print or use the lab during class time unless their teacher has reserved the computer lab for class that day.
  • Students can use the lab for homework and study 30 minutes before classes start, during the breaks, and after classes are over until the lab closes.
  • Students must not violate copyright laws. It is illegal to duplicate or download copyrighted materials, such as TOEFL resources, books, music, etc.
  • Students need to sign out of everything so that their accounts are not accessible to others.
  • Students need to start preparing to leave the lab 10 minutes before it closes.

General Lab Schedule

Monday-Friday 8:00 am - 5:00 pm (Closed during Tuesday lunch break for BYU devotionals/forums)


Do not store your work on the lab computers. These computers are used by all of the students at the ELC and sometimes BYU students. By saving work on the computers, your work is there for anyone to see. If you do save or download something to the computers, make sure you delete it before you log out of the computer. To store your work, use an online drive, such as Google Drive or OneDrive. Because you are an ELC student, you have access to the online Microsoft Suite, including OneDrive, for free until you are no longer a student at the ELC. To access the online Microsoft Suite, go to BYU's Microsoft page and log in with your BYU NetID and password.

Students using computers to study English have priority over students doing personal tasks such as emailing, chatting, streaming, surfing, etc. Never use the Internet to look at pornography or any other material in violation of the honor code.

Never let other people log in to the computers using your Net ID and password and always make sure you log out of all websites when you are done. Sensitive personal information is tied to your Net ID and password. You could be the victim of identity theft or be accused of misusing university computer resources. If you are unable to log in to a computer either at the ELC or up on campus, ask a lab attendant for help.


You need to put money on your Cougar Cash ID Card in order to print. This can be done through MyBYU by making a credit card payment. Black and white prints cost 8¢ per page and color prints cost 25¢ per page. You must use your ID card to print. The lab attendants and the student office workers will NOT print for you.


Because of the high volume of copy work required by our teachers, ELC student office workers are not allowed to make photocopies for the students. There are many places on campus and in the community providing copy services. One such place is the FedEx Office Print & Ship Center just west of the ELC.


It is highly encouraged for all students at the ELC to buy a smartphone with a US phone number. BYU requires two-factor authentication when logging in to BYU services. Smartphones can also access the BYU app and Canvas.

Testing Center

The computer lab is used as an open testing center for ELC students on Fridays 9:00 am - 3:00 pm. Students must check in for their test(s) no later than 2:00 pm so that they can finish by 3:00 pm. The lab could open as early as 2:00 pm if there are no students taking tests at that time. When students come to the computer lab for tests, they need to follow the rules found here. Testing Rules for Students

The lab is not available for regular student use during the testing center hours. If students need a computer, they can check out a Chromebook from one of the lab attendants and use it in 177 UPC.

Not all teachers choose to have their tests administered in the lab, but many do, so you should expect to have to come to the ELC on Friday for tests.


Your classes at the ELC will prepare you for the TOEFL. Do not stay away from class to study for the TOEFL. Students who do this not only get poor grades, but they do not learn many important skills and English principles that they will need for the TOEFL and to develop university skills. If you would like more information about the TOEFL, go to for the official site of the TOEFL.



If you ride a bicycle to school, wear a helmet and watch out for cars since they may not see you. Lock your bike in the rack located in the parking lot east of the UPC building; do not attach it to the railings around the building or it may be removed by the police.

REGISTERING YOUR BICYCLE – You can register your bicycle for free at: and click on “Register a Bike”.

You will need the following: (1) The make, model, and serial number of the bicycle, (2) The different components on the bike such as handlebar style, the number of speeds, lock, wheel size, water bottle, etc., (3) Your name, permanent address, and phone number. You should also take a picture of your bike. Once your bicycle is registered you can pick up your license at 2120 JKB.

Cars and Parking

If you have a car you must register your car with the university. This will allow you to park in designated parking areas near the ELC. You can do this by opening your BYU app. If you haven’t already done so you can add Parking to your favorites by clicking “Features” and choosing “Parking” Then you can enter information about your car to register it. Please note: you will not receive a parking sticker—your license plate is your parking "permit."

Do not park in unauthorized lots; if you do, you will receive a parking ticket and you will have to pay a fine. Failing to register your car can also result in receiving a ticket.

Summary of parking areas near the UPC:

  • 45U (shown in green–north of the UPC) Free to all registered vehicles
  • 45Y (shown in yellow–east of the UPC, near the museum) For students who have registered their car and paid the fee
  • 45A (shown in blue–immediately around the UPC) For employees–NOT STUDENT PARKING
  • 45BCD (shown in gray with red lines–north of the UPC) For students who live in on-campus housing–NOT ELC STUDENT PARKING