Other Testing Events - English Language Center (ELC) Skip to main content
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Other Testing Events

Other Testing Events

Practice TOEFL

Once a semester, we give students the opportunity to take the Practice TOEFL. It typically happens the week after TOEFL Time ends. Students must sign up to take the Practice TOEFL by the end of the first day of TOEFL Time so that the Coordinator of Assessment and Technology has enough time to order the codes and get the accounts set up for each student. When students sign up, they pay a fee to cover part of the cost of the codes.

The Practice TOEFL happens on a Friday in the computer lab. The test proctors follow the same rules that we typically have on Fridays for testing (here).

Practice LATs

Once a semester, we have students take the Practice Reading and Listening LATs. This happens for two reasons:

  • Students can become more familiar with the format of the tests and prepare for the LATs at the end of the semester.
  • The Center for Language Studies on BYU campus can try out new passages and questions to see how effective they are.

Students are encouraged to do the best they can on the Practice LATs so that they can have the most accurate results possible; however, the results may not 100% reflect their proficiency since the passages and questions are new and are being tested.

The Practice LATs typically happen on a Friday between Weeks 7-9. Unless there are major technical difficulties, students will receive their results by the end of the following week.

Tests for Research or Training

There are times when professors or students need to conduct research involving tests they have developed or conduct trainings on specific tests. Sometimes, small groups of ELC students are asked to participate in these while other times, all ELC students are asked to participate. If it is a test that is for all ELC students, there could be a Learning Experience grade connected to the test.