Frequently Asked Questions - English Language Center (ELC) Skip to main content
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Frequently Asked Questions

Answers to frequently asked questions.

Q: Do you have community English classes?
A: No.

Q: Do I need to submit a certified translation of my grades on my secondary school transcript in order to study at the ELC?
A: No. However, while certified translations of transcripts are not required for admission to the English Language Center, they are required when applying to other universities (BYU, BYU-I, BYU-H, Ensign, etc.). If you plan on applying to a university while studying at the ELC, begin collecting your application materials before you leave your country. Often times transcript certification is required for admission to universities in the US and it may be easier to get that information prior to leaving the country.

Q: Is the TOEFL required to study at the ELC?
A: No.

Q: Is health insurance required?
A: Yes. BYU requires students to have health insurance that is from the U.S. Click to see the list of accepted insurance companies.

Q: When can I begin working?
A: Students are required to be in the Foundations C classes and show, through good grades, that they can balance both coursework and work. ELC students can only work on BYU Campus. The MTC is not part of BYU Campus.

Q: Can an ELC student take a vacation?
A: Students are eligible to take a semester vacation after 8 months of continuous study at the ELC and with the condition to return to study post vacation. Since our program is a short-term program, students may only have one break during their entire study time at the ELC.

Q: I want to apply to BYU. Does studying at the ELC help me get in?
A: While the ELC is a great place to learn English, it currently does not guarantee admittance into BYU. Students who meet LAT requirements for Ensign, BYU, and SUU may use those in place of the TOEFL.

Q: What BYU services are available to ELC students?
A: Students have access to BYU's world-class library as well as BYU Counseling and Psychological Services. For a reasonable fee, students may also use BYU gyms.

Q: Can I move from the Foundations courses to Academic courses?
A: Yes, but you will be required to achieve the same proficiency required for other students entering Academic courses.

Q: What if I come to study and I place in the Foundations Courses, but I want to study Academic English?
A: You will be placed in the appropriate courses according to your proficiency, but you will work with a teacher to set up an individual language plan to meet your language needs until you demonstrate the proficiency necessary to study in Academic courses.

Q: What if I come to study and I place in the Academic courses, but I don’t want to study academic English?
A: You will be placed in the appropriate courses according to your proficiency, but you will work with a teacher to set up an individual language plan to meet your language needs.

Q: Can I take both types of courses at the same time?
A: No. These courses are designed to meet the learning needs of students at different proficiency levels.

Q: How do I skip a level?
A: The placement test will be used to identify the courses that would be best for you as well as the most appropriate level within a group of courses. Since language learning takes a great deal of time and effort, it is unlikely that most students would be able to skip a level. However, if a student does well enough on the exams at the end of the semester, it may be possible to skip a level (less than 1% of our students have been able to skip a level).

Q: Are Academic courses actually university courses? Do I get university credit for them?
A: No. Academic courses at the ELC are designed to prepare students to use English at a university where English is the medium of instruction. However, the classes are not regular university classes, nor do students earn university credit for them.

Q: What's the difference between University Prep Curriculum A and University Prep Curriculum B?
A: Both curriculums target the same proficiency level but use different content and textbooks to help you develop the language and skills necessary to succeed in university course work.

Q: Do I have to take the University Prep Curriculums in order?
A: No. The two curriculums are different but equivalent.

Q: If I am placed in the University Prep level, can I choose which curriculum I am enrolled in?
A: No. The curriculum rotates each semester.

Q: How many times can I take the University Prep Level?
A: Every student can take the University Prep level twice—once with curriculum A and once with curriculum B.

Q: How long does it take to learn English?
A: Learning another language is not like acquiring other skills. There are many factors that come into play. Natural aptitude, intelligence, motivation, personality, and learner styles and preference.

Q: What language are the classes taught in?
A. From the lowest to the highest level class, all are taught in English.

Q. Can I take Pathway classes at the same time?
A. We do not recommend it due to the intensive nature of our program. We do recommend that students take advantage of being in an English-speaking environment while studying here.