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Writing LATs


The Writing LAT has two prompts, one that is Intermediate and one that is Superior. All students respond to both prompts. They begin with the Intermediate prompt, which is connected to the students’ personal, everyday lives. The prompt is designed to let Novice and Intermediate level students to show their best English since their language breaks down in the Superior prompt. They have ten minutes to write their response. In that amount of time, Intermediate and above students should be able to write a paragraph, and Novice students should be able to write words and phrases. When the students finish the Intermediate prompt, they move on to the Superior prompt, which is connected to academic or global topics that allow Advanced and Superior level students to respond in terms of their proficiency level. They have thirty minutes to write a response to the prompt. Advanced students, and Intermediate High students to some extent, should be able to write an essay with detailed descriptions, narrations, and possibly some abstract ideas. Superior students, and Advanced High students to some extent, should be able to write a well-structured essay that is abstract and formal. If students finish responding to either prompt before the time for each has finished, they can click a button to finish that prompt.

Example prompts of the Writing LAT are shown below.

Example Intermediate Prompt

Describe an activity you like to do here in Utah. What is the activity? Who do you do it with? Where do you do it? Why do you like this activity? How do you do this activity? You have 10 minutes to write your response.


The content and the task required in the prompt is appropriate for Intermediate language abilities. Students at the Intermediate level would be able to successfully respond to this prompt about their personal life in sentences. Novice students would be able to write words and phrases connected to the topic and questions.

Example Superior Prompt

Technology continues to advance at a rapid rate and people are becoming increasingly dependent on it. Is the abundance of technology improving the way people live or damaging it? What could be some consequences, either good or bad, of relying on technology? Explain your answer in detail. You have 30 minutes to write your response.


The content and the task required in the prompt is appropriate for Superior language abilities. While ELC students will most likely not write at the Superior level, Advanced Mid students would be reaching for it and Advanced High students would be responding with Superior language but not be able to sustain it. Advanced students could attempt abstract thought but could respond with concrete narrations or descriptions if they are unable to use or maintain the abstract.