Know Before the LATs - English Language Center (ELC) Skip to main content
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Know Before the LATs

Here's what you need to know before taking the LATs.

All students are REQUIRED to take the Language Acquisition Tests (LATs) even if you are not planning on coming back next semester. If you do not take the LATs, your Proficiency grades will be changed to 0 and your transcript will show that the semester is INCOMPLETE. Make sure that you are here for the scheduled days of the LATs.


Students must do a few things before they will be allowed to take the LATs.

  • Return all checked out books to the front office
  • Pay all unpaid fees
  • Complete the class evaluation survey


Regularly check your grades throughout the semester and make sure your Learning Experience grades are at 80% or above in ALL of your classes. If any are below 80%, talk with your teachers to see if there is anything you can do. If it is the end of the semester and there is nothing you can do to get your Learning Experience grade above 80%, talk with Mrs. Sandy to see what your options are.


Make sure you know your LATs schedule. You will receive either a paper or an email with your schedule. If there is a situation or circumstance that makes it impossible for you to take the LATs during your assigned schedule, talk with Mrs. Sandy IMMEDIATELY. You will need to provide documentation of the situation or circumstance that make it impossible to take the LATs on the scheduled days. Work and travel do NOT count as reasons to change your assigned LATs schedule. If there is an emergency and you miss the LATs, contact Mrs. Sandy IMMEDIATELY. You will need to provide documentation of the emergency.

Requests to change your LATs schedule during the week of LATs will most likely not be granted, but if they are granted, there is a $10 fee per change. If there is an emergency during the scheduled LATs days and the emergency is documented, the fee can be waived.

Computer Lab

During the week of LATs, the computer lab will be open to students on Monday during the usual schedule and on Tuesday morning. The lab will be closed to students the rest of the week for LATs.

Between the end of LATs and placement testing for the next semester, the computer lab will sometimes be open to students. If there is a closed sign on the door, it is not open at that time because of computer maintenance. Whenever the lab is closed to students, you can use labs on campus. There are open computer labs in the Harold B Lee Library you can use.

SASC (Room 177)

During the week of LATs, the SASC is used for testing, so it will be closed to students after classes end on Tuesday until Friday morning.


Students who have not arrived by the time check-in is done are considered late. If students are late for the LATs, they need to pay a $10 late fee before they can take the tests.