Brigham Young University is a remarkable institution teaching students since 1879. BYU is distinguished for building students through spiritual principles focusing on excellent academic skills. This university has a variation of students with many qualities all united in a single purpose as the BYU model says “Enter to learn; Go forth to serve”(BYU). Everyone crossing paths with this institution will be strengthened with a unique learning experience; but what does this mean for ELC students? Well the ELC had been designed for either teachers or students to improve their English skills under the principles and standards of BYU. Providing an English-only environment for those individuals for whom English is not their natal language. The English Language Center is the institution that will guide all their students to their personal goals related to learning English as a second language.
The people who decide to come to the ELC can expect for sure that this program at BYU will provide them not just with the knowledge of another language but also a spiritual experience that will change their life taking them closer to our heavenly father the source of all light, providing not just only BYU or ELC student but everyone that have and interaction with this institution to know that the savior is the source of all light. Through the amazing faculty that works diligently to keep them on the top of their abilities; Enriching the students with knowledge. BYU will strengthen us in our journey overcoming the sacrifices and giving our portion to the kingdom likely our ancestors the pioneers. The Savior as the Source of Light
Everyone is welcome to BYU and be part of their programs that are inspired by the light of our Savior Jesus Christ. Elder Jonh S. Tanner introduced to us a new perspective about the facilities of this university serve as a guideline of our destiny as a child of god. Everyone can feel inspired by the spirit of the lord and the desire to learn while they are working through these facilities. Our heavenly father has always delighted in his children’s progress, which is why he inspired the leader of his church for many generations to build this university. This campus had been designed as a refuge for the saints of these latter days. Allowing them to get together and be one with the lord while they are learning. I’m from Mexico and even though the church is growing in that area I never had this feeling of belonging in a place until I came to this university.
Likely the pioneers walking to the Promised Land. Every student who decides to come to BYU will have to make an effort and sacrifice something in their life to be part of this great blessing of being part of BYU. As Elder Jonh S. Tanner said “The Lord taught Latter-day Saints this from the first. Yet too often many assume that the Lord will reveal truth merely for the asking—as if Latter-day Saints were somehow excused from the rigorous effort required of others just because we have the gospel. Not so. There must be strenuous effort.” No, just because we are members of the church of Jesus Christ we are free of our responsibility to be the best version of ourselves.Light from Temples and Towering Founders
Maybe not a lot of people outside of Utah can see the conscience that most of the church’s schools were built close to a temple. However, there is a reason BYU can be a holy place such as a temple, connecting heaven with the earth. In the early times of the church, the temples were used not just as a place where people could make covenants but also as places where the Saints could receive instruction and guidance under the inspiration of the lord. As of now, this time the Church’s schools are designed to be the balance between two worlds, the spiritual and the earthly.
Under this perspective, ELC students can come to BYU and participate in the blessing of getting the light of knowledge. Inheritance from the pioneers of these institutions will provide comfort, pace, inspiration, and encouragement to the student who works hard to keep them worthy of these promises. Another purpose of the church's educational system isn’t to separate the saint from the rest of the children of god who aren’t part of his church. On the contrary, BYU is looking to inspire the students to have the same mindset as the founder prophet Joseph Smith they can do it too. “Many stories, of people who have given their lives to educating Zion. I am told that these stories are not intended to idolize the founders nor to inflate their accomplishments but to make each observer feel “I can do that” and “I should do that.”I Get My Light from God
Every student who looks to increase their spiritual strength under the delightful aura of learning under the light of God should come to BYU. For my beloved foreign brothers and sisters interested in being part of this amazing institution the ELC will be the way to achieve it. This program has been inspired by God to provide their children with the necessary skills to improve themselves. The ELC is the beginning of an eternal journey full of blessings not just for the students that are part of this program but also for all of them that course on their path.
With the new direction of the music in the church, there might be some people who won’t feel comfortable with the changes. One of the first actions that everyone who is involved in these changes has to develop is empathy. Understanding other people’s feelings is the key to helping somebody in a transition. If the first reaction of members of the church is controversial the transition process will be complicated because their traditions and feelings have been attacked.
Being empathetic will lead to dialogue with all those members. There are many things people can do to help them understand these changes in a better way. For example, explain the doctrine about music and the gospel. For many generations, the children of god had demonstrated their adoration to God in different ways such as payers, ordinances, services, etc. However, one of the most personal impacts has been through music. The lords had asked for their children to transfer those inside feelings through music. “For my soul delighteth in the song of the cheart; yea, the dsong of the righteous is a prayer unto me, and it shall be answered with a blessing upon their heads.” Understanding that God asks us to look for a personal connection with him is a blessing. Also, many people might have a problem expressing themselves self so, if somebody can collect all those feelings that you might are not able to express, I could lead the way for those to have the same spiritual experiences as the rest and strengthen their testimony.
Enter to Learn; Go Forth to Serve. (2018, August 16). BYU Speeches. Retrieved October 5, 2023
Learning in the Light - John S. Tanner. (2008, August 26). BYU Speeches. Retrieved October 5, 2023