A Closer Look at Nailing Our Colors to the Mast - English Language Center (ELC) Skip to main content
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Envisioning BYU: An ELC Perspective

A Closer Look at Nailing Our Colors to the Mast

College and universities are an important part in young adults’ lives. They can spend all day studying at their university, doing research, going to office hours, and so on. University is like a second home, that’s why it’s crucial to choose a university that suits student’s needs and expectations. As a member of the church with the goal of gaining acceptance into a good university I can say that one factor that students look at the moment of choosing a university is how the environment and teachings will affect my spirituality. Brigham Young University is a great option for students member of the church. BYU offers a ecclesiastical education, thus is a safe place for people that are part of a religion. Also, BYU is ranked as the 20th best university in the United States. Prestigious and along with LDS teachings, without a doubt I would say that it is heaven for students that are member of the church. According to a talk given by Elder Jeffrey R. Holland BYU has features than make it a place for personal and education growth.

Like it was mentioned before, BYU has the elements to be what any student wants. Someone that also think that way is Elder Holland. In 1985 Holland gave a speech in which he said that we live in a era full of miraculous. Considering that statement, let’s talk about facts: the average acceptance rate is 68%. Besides that, BYU education is very strict and it seek for good grades and knowledge. Being in a prestigious university is already a big success for most of the people. On the other hand, when you are an international student, that desire become stronger cause we have another realities and factors that drive us to BYU. For most of the ELC students, being accepted by Brigham Young University is a big miracle.

Being accepted in BYU is one thing, but another thing is to remain there. BYU is known by the quality of the education, also for the expectations over the students. BYU students are expected to learn and grow secularly and spiritually. In addition of that, students must follow a honor code that includes ways to grooming and dressing. Those rules are required and help to build a feeling of belonging inside BYU community. Elder Holland said in his speech that as the walls, halls, and buildings, the students are also part of the university and through their looks they need to represent in a good way what BYU is. As young people, it can be hard to follow the honor code sometimes. Here at the ELC sometimes we want to use extreme hairstyles or use short clothes in the summer. But knowing through an Apostol why the lord gave those rules can make it easier for us.

For Elder Holland, study at BYU is a continue growing path. The universities experiences plus the religious knowledge that students are acquiring make the university years, years where the students have to give the best of themselves. Contribute to the community, follow the honor code, study to keep learning and the good grades, in some cases working; those things doesn’t seem easy “Be modest, be dignified, and be your very best. More and more, what it means to be at BYU is to be your very best.” Other apostles like Gerry W. Gong has said in other conferences statement that supports “In everything we do, we put Jesus Christ first. As a matter of priority, we put Jesus Christ first among all the things we do. As a matter of focus, we put Jesus Christ first in everything we do.” Supporting the honor code, due to as students have Jesus Christ present they would dress and think as if Jesus were there.

As students learning English at the English Language Center, we have the chance to be BYU students and use all the buildings and spaces just like them. Furthermore, we have to sign the same honor code and live under the covenants of the church. For most of the students being part of BYU is a big goal that want to achieve because of the many benefits and quality education in it. Elder Holland sees this university as a place when students can develop skills and growth in every aspect, for ELC students is a place where we can be ourselves and growth in a way that we can discover and develop the best of us.