BYU: A Beacon of Unity, Spirituality, and Academic Excellence - English Language Center (ELC) Skip to main content
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Envisioning BYU: An ELC Perspective

BYU: A Beacon of Unity, Spirituality, and Academic Excellence

Reviewing Elder Holland's Address: The Second Half of the Second Century of Brigham Young University

Brigham Young University (BYU) is itself different from other institutions all over the world. Elder Holland mentioned, during his speech how spiritual experiences are related to this university, and students can receive the same spiritual guidance. Since it has been dedicated up to this day, and according to Elder Holland, it will stay on the same path until the end of its days. Elder Holland mentioned how spiritual experiences are related to this university, and students can receive the same spiritual guidance. BYU is distinct from other universities because it has been established over the teachings of the gospel of Jesus Christ. The essence of BYU affects all its different programs, including the English Language Center (ELC). As a student at the English Language Center and as a member of the church, I have felt how the holy ghost has intervened in my academic decisions. Elder Holland sees BYU as a remarkable place filled with miracles, and its destiny is to be even larger because of its uniqueness. Its success cannot be assessed solely by its academic achievements.

Brigham Young University is directly related to the Church of Jesus Christ, making it special, unique, and full of miracles. Elder Holland related an experience he passed when he was just seven years old going back from a trip to Salt Lake in his own words “I don’t know how to explain that moment, but it was a true epiphany for a seven-year-old if a seven-year-old can have an epiphany” then he adds “That day I probably was seeing it for the first time. I believe I was receiving a revelation from God”, Elder Holland’s experience is a sign that even people not directly involved with BYU can feel the guidance of the holy ghost and have profound spiritual experiences. This is so meaningful for ELC students, particularly those who are not church members. Nonmember students may believe they are not a part of BYU and hence do not deserve the spiritual instruction provided by their peers. That is far from reality because everyone may have similar experiences if they are prepared to work hard and strive for perfection. I have witnessed many examples of achievement from close friends, whether they are church members or not.

The success of BYU goes beyond academic recognition, scholarly rankings, and athletic success. BYU is well known worldwide because of its academic achievements moreover it has many international recognitions. As President Kimball said during his speech The Second Century of Brigham Young University “I am both hopeful and expectant that out of this university and the Church Educational System there will rise brilliant stars in drama, literature, music, sculpture, painting, science, and in all the scholarly graces. This university can be the refining host for many such individuals who will touch men and women the world over long after they have left this campus”, Both President Kimball and Elder Holland agree that the actual success at BYU is the personal experiences that thousands of students have been part of, and those experiences are hard to record, classify, or describe. Being part of BYU every student at the ELC is aware of the academic requirements of this institution.                  In conclusion, BYU is a unique institution whose roots are deeply connected to the teachings of the gospel of Jesus Christ. As Elder Holland explains in his speech, BYU’s fundaments directly related to its spiritual foundation set it apart from other universities. That special commitment makes it a place where students, including those international students at the ELC, can experience the intervention of the holy ghost in their academic pursuits. Elder Holland’s epiphany serves as a testimony to how deep spiritual experiences occur within the BYU community. It underscores the idea that spiritual guidance is not limited to members of the church but is available to everyone, regardless of their religious affiliation. As both President Kimball and Elder Holland have conveyed in their respective speeches, the real success of BYU is the countless experiences both spiritual and hard work. All these statements are related to ELC students too. There are many testimonies of international students who have left their own countries looking for better opportunities, regardless of all their sacrifices every ELC student is grateful to BYU. BYU Speeches. “The Second Half of the Second Century of Brigham Young University.” Speeches. “The Second Century of Brigham Young University.”